Pair of 77 Automated Insulated Roller Garage Doors in Anthracite Grey


Pair of Novoroll 77 Automated Insulated Roller Garage Doors, fully finished in Painted Anthracite Grey, installed in Banbury, Oxfordshire.
Our customer had one large double door to their garage and were looking to divide the opening into two, with one ‘pedestrian’ door and then a larger opening, both with the option of being operated using a remote control.
Key features of the Novoroll 77:
- Novoferm Novoroll 77 Insulated, Automated Roller Garage Door
- 77mm lath
- Finished in Painted Anthracite Grey
- White Guides and Full Roll Box
- Compact lath and roll box make this door ideal for spaces with low headroom
- Fully automated with integrated Novoroll Control Panel and two handsets as standard
- Hard wired safety edge
- Made in compliance with ISO 9001 quality standard
- Helps insulate garage against heat loss and noise
- For greater security the door has fully enclosed side runners, a unique ‘AutoLock’ self locking feature and is fully automated with no exterior lock to pick or force
- Rolling code technology helps prevent criminal ‘code grabbing’
- Optional emergency opening system available
- Additional accessories such as wireless key pads available
- Ten year warranty on the door, five year warranty on the motor, as standard
- Installed in Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16